While moving into a new residence is excellent since you unlock another milestone in your life, what about its home interior design in Singapore? Does it tickle your heart to the point you want to cry that you already have found your dream home?

If you shake your head just now, obviously you are not satisfied with the decoration, finishing or furniture. In short, everything.

You should know that the saying “there is no place like home” only happens if you feel great with your home interior design the moment you step inside. If that is not the case for you, you need to revamp your space. That is the only way to feel at home in your new living environment.

With a bit of planning and strong commitment, you will be able to build your dream home—even more—if you follow the same processes used by professional home interior design professionals in Singapore.

Keep reading to know the details of what you need to do.

6 Fundamentals Of Home Interior Design

<img src=”https://i.ibb.co/Lzkg1gm/6-Fundamentals-Of-Home-Interior-Design.png” alt=”6-Fundamentals-Of-Home-Interior-Design” border=”0″></a>

1. Balance

Regardless of expertise, every interior design expert knows the importance of balance. It all comes down to the visual weight of your space and how you divide it into two halves.

Pro Tip: You will know your home interior design has balance if everything feels right.

The problem, however, is that you need to find the right balance for your home interior design by considering these three types of balance.

●      Asymmetrical

When you have contrasting visual images on either side of a design, but the image still appears balanced, you have asymmetrical balance.

●      Radial

Radial balance is symmetrical that exists in several directions. A good example will be a bicycle wheel. Everything around the central point seems to have the same proportion.

●      Symmetrical

This balance refers to 50/50. It is the most common type of balance and easier to understand when it comes to home interior design.

2. Rhythm

Regarding home interior design, rhythm refers to the repeated and contrasting visual patterns used. In terms of music, rhythm gives a space a sense of movement. It leads the eye of the viewer down a path at a comfortable level.

3. Emphasis

The emphasis in home interior design is not all about creating a focus on a particular area but also drawing the viewer’s attention from the focal point.

4. Contrast & Variety

This fundamental of home interior design refers to the contrast in brightness (or colour) between objects, elements or effects in a space. Light vs dark and smooth vs rough are a few examples of contrast and variety.

5. Scale & Proportion

The concept of scale and proportion is about how various things in your space fit together. The former determines how well the pieces fit in your area, like your living room, while the latter is about how those piecescompliment one another.

6. Unity & Harmony

Even though these words have very close definitions, they are not the same.

Materials, shapes, and colours that repeat in a home interior design are what unity is—everything appears to be well-matched. Harmony, however, is the feeling that all of your design elements are completely in tune with one another.

3 Different Decorating Styles

Besides the fundamental element of home interior design, the next thing you need to consider is the decorating styles. As a homeowner, make sure you know what style you want your HDB interior design to have.

<img src=”https://i.ibb.co/Ltgxt9x/3-Different-Decorating-Styles.png” alt=”3-Different-Decorating-Styles” border=”0″></a>

Listed below are some of your options.

1. Modern

Almost every Singapore HDB has a modern design. It is not surprising since many people want to live in a timeless home, and a modern decorating style can offer that.

2. Industrial

Another simple home interior design that your residence can have is the industrial decorating style. The only difference this one has with modern is that it leaves clues about the past. That means you will most likely find antique furniture and furnishing all over the place.

3. Classic

If you want to feel like you are in the 1800s, having a classic decorating style will be okay for your home interior design. From furniture to furnishing, everything has carvings of floras and faunas.

The Dos And Don’ts Of Home Interior Design

To guarantee you will not make any mistake with the home interior design of your residence when you renovate it, you should keep the following in mind. Knowing the dos and don’ts will help ease up the entire process.

Here are just a few that you need to know.

The DOs

●      Leave Space Around The Furniture

Your condo and its interior design in Singapore will appear more inviting when you leave more space around each piece of furniture.

●      Think About Lighting

Proper lighting is a well-designed room, so ensure to include lighting in your budget. Consider investing in floor lamps, overhead lights, and other types of lighting fixtures.

●      Make Good Use Of Accent Pieces

Accent pieces such as bowls, books, and other decorations can make a room feel more personalised and aesthetically fascinating. So add a couple few to add personality to your home interior design.

The DON’Ts

●      Skip On Drapery

Less is more if your residence is too small to have a curtain and you do not have a window where you can hang it.

●      Making Your Looks Like A Showroom

Even though it seems nice that your furniture and furnishing look matching, your home will become a showroom. When your friends come inside, they might think they are shopping for furniture instead of visiting your place.

The Bottom Line

Now that you know how to build your dream home and improve its interior design in Singapore, the next time you need to do is to put everything you have learned into action.

Take your home and do things one step at a time. If you decide to back out and think you need help from a professional, Aegro Interior Design is here to the rescue. Check out their website today and see how good they are when it comes to HDB interior design in Singapore.

Contact Aegro Interior Design at +65 6635 8730 if you are interested.

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